Album Art Remix | Tycho – Plains (Baio Remix)

Created another album artwork remix entirely in a WebGL fragment shader. Again done on Really love the process of recreating album artworks of songs and bands that I enjoy only with maths and code. It’s also really fascinating trying to design work often done in more traditional content creation programs entirely in code.

My current process is to recreate these designs only with code and maths using a language called GLSL (OpenGL Shading Language). I use Photoshop to colour pick the same colour values and measure up the correct ratios of shapes but I think it’d be really great to create some tool or application to allow content creators to create the same amazing work but with a more real time approach. It would allow visualizations like this to be created effortlessly and could tie back in to their live shows and promotional material.

Got some more plans for creating remixed realtime versions of designs like these so stay tuned!

Song: Tycho – Plains (Baio Remix)